Be a lifesaver. Make your best gift now.
This is the most important gift you can make all year. It will help provide life-changing assistance to each person in our care. Your best gift today will transform lives and assure each of our ministries have the resources they need. People like Hugh are counting on you!
Help us meet the biggest needs of the year. The annual campaign provides the largest source of operating funds. Here’s what your generous donation will support:
Master’s Touch Recovery for Men helps men seeking a life transformation while learning and living the Gospel
Lifespring Recovery for Women provides a safe loving environment for women and children helping them learn the necessary skills to make good choices while encountering Jesus
Elgin Wayside Center provides shelter and support for the homeless so they can make that next right step
New Life Corrections takes the gospel to every jail and prison in Illinois
Urban Youth Ministry shares the gospel with at risk children in Aurora, offers Christian after school activities, summer & winter camps and baseball programs
Hope Outreach teaches men job readiness, life skills and valuable work training
With your support, these ministries will grow and lives will continue to be transformed. Please help with your most generous gift possible.
People like Hugh are counting on you!

Before coming to Wayside, depression, guilt and a troubled past had finally gotten the better of Hugh. His life was in a tailspin.
He even tried to end it…
But God still had plans for his life. After nearly 2 years at Wayside, Hugh’s life is transformed. He and his wife have reconnected, and thanks to a good church family, they are relocating in the area to be near Wayside where he plans to continue helping ministries. He knows this would’ve never been possible without friends and supporters like you.
Be a lifesaver. Give today!