Be a Lifesaver. Support the Annual Campaign.

“I’m just grateful God saw fit to keep me alive…”

It’s been challenging year for so many in need. Rising costs today not only impact our ministry, they are forcing people already on the edge of poverty to struggle even more just to pay bills, put gas in the tank and keep food on the table. Addiction is skyrocketing and the growing mental health crisis has left people like Dion feeling more alone than ever. Every day, men, women, and children come to Wayside seeking safe place to stay, recover, and rebuild their lives. We need your help to respond to this challenge.

This is about more than a meal. Your help plays a vital role in meeting this growing need by giving hope to all who seek it in our transitional shelter and recovery programs.

Please join us in transforming more people like Dion through our Bible-based, Christ-centered recovery programs with a generous gift in support of our Annual Campaign.