Meet Chris

. . . abuse and instability led to a lifelong addiction to alcohol. Could a daughter’s prayer lead to his recovery?

A Call For Help…

Alcohol, Prison, and Suicide couldn’t stop him. But the silent prayers of a loving daughter did.

Sep 5, 2021 | Stories of Hope

Watching a loved one struggle with alcohol and depression can be heartbreaking and nearly unbearable. Especially when you feel powerless to help. Thankfully, we have a heavenly father who will never stop searching for the lost. (Luke 15:1-7)

It’s also why more and more people are turning to Wayside Cross Ministries to recover. Unlike other 30, 60, or 90-day programs, men find our Bible-based, Christ-centered Master’s Touch Ministry’s 5-phase approach to breaking the cycle of addiction and depression offers the stability they seek to transform their lives. But it only works when people place their trust and confidence in Him alone.

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. ~ 1 Peter 5:7

Chris grew up in a Navy family. As a kid, he moved several times, making it nearly impossible to build friendships or experience any stability in life. He was on the long road to destruction and about to take his own life until God stepped in.

Church, other than an occasional Christmas and Easter service, was never a real part of his family life.  When he was 17, Chris moved again, and soon, he began to struggle with alcohol.

I am the Lord, and there is no other; apart from me, there is no God. I will strengthen you, though you have not acknowledged me. ~ Isaiah 45:5

In attempting to fit in and overcome the instability of his life, his drinking consumed him until at age 20 . . . it escalated to an abusive level. Finally, it cost him his marriage and job, and eventually, it sent him to jail and prison.

One day, it nearly led him to end his own life.

But a daughter’s silent plea for help was about to change all that.

Finally, he was sent to a recovery program but left, still bound by his addiction. It only got worse until his daughter found Wayside Cross Ministries online.

The idea of going to another recovery shelter didn’t sit well with him. But late one night, the Lord awoke Chris’s heart, and he knew he had to go to Wayside!

You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. ~ Psalm 139:5

Before he enrolled in our Master’s Touch program, he needed to get his affairs in order. Thankfully, a task that could take weeks to accomplish was finished with God’s help in less than 24 hours. Once the last of his belongings were sold, Chris became even more convinced that God meant for him to go to Wayside.

Apart from me, you can do nothing ~ John 15:5

At Wayside, Chris thrived in our Master’s Touch program, and in time, he grew to be an outstanding resident. Eventually, he graduated from the program and is now working full-time at an auto repair shop where he was once employed.

Today Chris is Sober, Stable and Fully Employed

After his employer heard how well Chris was doing, he was only too eager to bring Chris back to work. Today, he continues to live at Wayside in our Phase-4 program as he accumulates the funds he needs to rebuild his life.

Stability takes time.

Unlike typical 30-60-or 90 day programs, our Bible-based, Christ-centered recovery program also offers residents the opportunity to stay and save their money when they finally get back to work. That, and an incredible support system they build, together with the support of the local church, give them the stability they need to move forward today and throughout the rest of their lives.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. ~ Matthew 11:29

These days, Chris works hard to maintain a relationship with his family and is very involved with his local church.

We thank God for His precious work in Chris’s life and His continued provision at Wayside Cross Ministries. Because of the Lord‘s presence here, this place has become a refuge for the hopeless, the lonely, and the afflicted.

Therefore our hope is in you, for you are
the one who does all this.
~ Jeremiah 14:22

Today, hundreds of men, women, and children are blessed through our six divisions of ministry – ministries only made possible through Christ and by you standing with us. It’s really people like you who give Chris and others the opportunity to seek transformation. Because of you, we can provide critical help at difficult times.

Thanks to you, people are hearing the gospel message, some for the very first time. Lives are being transformed by the one true source of life and of love, our Father.

Please help us with our annual campaign.

We covet your prayers as we prepare for another year of ministry. Please give generously. When you do, those seeking a lasting life change will meet Jesus and discover their true purpose at Wayside Cross Ministries.

Today, Chris works in a high-end auto repair and restoration shop. That’s kind of ironic, but in God’s economy, we are all classics and worthy of redemption. Thank you for helping Chris and countless others.

God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
~Psalm 46:1

Where to turn if you need help!

Believe in somthing bigger than your problems. We believe the Apostle Paul said it best. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 So turning to God should be your first step when you are faced with a difficult challenge. In fact, He tells us to run to him. Over 23 verses in the Bible urge us to do just that. That should tell you how important He thinks it is.

Call Wayside Cross Ministries and ask to speak with a Chaplain: (630) 892-4239 Our Recovery and Transitional Living Programs are free.

Get a support system.

If you think someone you love may be at risk for suicide, there are things you can do to help. First and foremost, talk to your loved one about your concerns. Let them know that you are there to support them.

Minors are urged to talk to a trusted adult.

Adult are encouraged reach out to a doctor, therapist or a church pastor for help. Your primary care doctor can screen and provide you or your loved one with suitable referrals for help and treatment.

We also urge you to contact:

988 Lifeline -Suicide Prevention Lifeline at #988. All calls are confidential and they are available 24/7.

Also, The National Hopeline Network, Suicide & Crisis Hotline at 1-800-442-HOPE (4673). Trained counselors are available to help you through a crisis.

Crisis Text Line, text the word HOME to 741741 to chat with a crisis counselor. This is free and your conversations are confidential.

Veterans Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255, then press 1. You can also text 838255, or chat online.

Above all, remember, in Christ, you are never alone.

Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. ~ Hebrews 13:5; never will I forsake you. ~ Hebrews 13:5

Help men, women and children like Chris find their way home at Wayside.


If you enjoyed this story and want to learn about other lives that were changed, click: Stories of Hope & Recovery

Master’s Touch Ministry for men and our Lifespring Center for Women offer people like Mike restoration, and recovery from brokenness, addiction, and homelessness, and they’re just two of six ministries dedicated to serve Christ through His people in need. We also provide ex offenders a transformational pathway to rebuild their lives. Join us in this journey of helping to transformed lives. Learn more about the Master’s Touch men’s  recovery program, shelter and training facility.


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