Be a lifesaver. Make your best gift now.
Help provide life-changing assistance to each person in our care and meet unforeseen ministry costs like replacing our broken water main, emergency elevator repair, or build a manufacturing training center so individual can leave with a new career. Your support insures all six ministries are fully funded to meet the expected and unexpected in the new year. Give your best gift ever.
People like Jeff are counting on you!
Help the homeless and meet our biggest needs of the year. Your support assures we provide life-changing assistance to each person in our care when they need it most. It helps fully fund each of our 6 ministries to insure people get the support they need..
The Annual Campaign is also a vital way we meet unforeseen costs: replacing a broken water main, or emergency repair of the elevator in our Master’s Touch Ministry.
Or build out a manufacturing training center so individuals can graduate with better job prospects in a new live in a career with benefits.
Each occurred. All unexpected.
Make your commitment and help us finish out the year strong . . . People like Jeff are counting on you!

Then, his body started shutting down. He awoke two weeks later in the jail’s recovery ward with a failing liver and spots on his kidney. Jeff was ready to give up until a pastor introduced him to our New Life Corrections Ministry.
That door led him to Wayside.
More than a year later, Jeff has witnessed many changes, he knows only the Lord could provide. Thanks to volunteers, mentors, and people like you supporting this ministry, transformation is possible. Be a lifesaver.
Give today!
Help Us Reach Our Campaign Goal!