Give Your Best Gift of the Year to the Hungry & Hurting.
For moms and children fleeing domestic violence or a life of addiction
Men seeking redemption from poor choices and broken lives
Or at-risk-youth in need of a safe place to grow learn and develop
. . . a new life can start with the holiday meal.
Give Christmas hope to the homeless, addicted and abused before the year ends. With your help today, Wayside Cross Ministries won’t be their last stop, but
Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. ~ Matthew 11:28 NIV
For moms and children fleeing domestic violence or a life of addiction
Men seeking redemption from poor choices and broken lives
Or at-risk-youth in need of a safe place to grow learn and develop
. . . a new life can start with a hot meal.
Give help and hope to homeless, addicted & abused before the year ends. Change a life today!