Crisis Intervention At Lifespring Center For Women
Overcoming Addiction and Attempted Suicide.
Her Life Had Been Filled with Darkness and Trauma No One Should Ever Have to Endure. But It would take an Act of God to wipe away her tears.
He used Lifespring to do that!
Author Donna Mathewson,
Edited by Tom Davidson

It all started when her grandfather started sexually assaulting her from the ages of 8 through 12. Her childhood innocents was forever shattered.
At the age of 16, the sexual abuse continued when her mom’s fiancé raped her. Unfortunately, her mother, the one person Lark should have been able to confide in, didn’t believe her when Lark told her. She was devastated! Lark tried to commit suicide for the first time. Thankfully, she failed because God had a plan for her, though she didn’t know it then.
“He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim freedom for the captives,”
~ Isaiah 61:1b
- A quarter of girls and 1 in 13 boys will experience sexual abuse before they are 18 years old, according to CDC estimates.
- People who have experienced child sexual abuse (CSA) are more likely to experience disorders such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
- CSA is also strongly linked to drug and alcohol use, and those who experienced CSA are about 2.5 times more likely to make a suicide attempt than people who have not been abused.
These staggering statistics were definitely playing out in Lark’s life.
Her daughter is now 29 and her son is 12. Somehow, she managed to find the strength to leave her son’s father four and a half years ago and moved in with her cousin. “She was drinking a lot, and so I started drinking too. One day, It just got to the point where I just couldn’t take it anymore, so I ended up leaving. Thankfully, I managed to find a homeless shelter.” It wasn’t ideal, but she was safe.
“She really wanted me to get the help I needed. Thankfully, the alcohol and drugs were no longer a factor. But I was still on 22 different medications. Some were for my chronic health issues. Others for depression and antipsychotic drugs.”
Learning to Stand on the Solid Foundation of Christ.

Unfortunately, the entire city shut down, busses, cabs, everything! But Lark remained persistent. She called every day, sometimes twice a day, so desperate for help. Finally, the restrictions around Covid were lifted and she was able to be interviewed, but when they found out about the 22 medications she took, they informed
Fortunately, her sister and brother-in-law went through every medication she took. They read about the side effects and decided out of the 22, she only needed 5 medications. One was for diabetes. The others covered blood pressure, thyroid, neuropathy, and anxiety. “I didn’t realize they were making me walk around like a freaking zombie — I didn’t have to deal with anything because I couldn’t feel anything.”
Lark soon realized that it wasn’t healthy for her to suppress all her feelings and not deal with her issues. She would often explode and unleash her anger on the wrong person. So she got off the medications that weren’t necessary and came to Lifespring.
“Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?”
~ Matthew 6:26-27

Even still, it has not been all clear flying for Lark. She had foot surgery, was out of work for six months, and fell into a deep depression. Then she began slipping back into her old ways, holding things in and isolating herself in her apartment.
Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty,?”
~ John 6:35
Dana Kemp, the current Lifespring Director, knew something was wrong. That’s when Dana, along with Lark’s mentor and her pastor’s wife, held an intervention for her. They helped Lark to get back on track. She felt their love and concern and it touched her heart to know that even though her earthly family might not always be there for her, her Lifespring family and her church family were. “They love me unconditionally.”
Lark started back in classes again, and she discovered that there was still so much she had to learn.
Lifespring has taught Lark that she will never stop learning and never give up. As long as she was alive, God still had a plan and a purpose for her life.
“God Helped Me Put Back The Pieces.”
“I’ve just been blessed so much despite all the trials
and tribulations I’ve had.”
Lifespring has helped her to budget, but more importantly, to not spend her money trying to fill that hole inside her. That spot is filled now by Christ. Shopping used to be an addiction for her, but at Lifespring she needs to submit her paycheck stub and account for her spending by submitting receipts. This type of accountability has helped to free her from her shopping addiction and to fill that hole with Christ.
Now, Lark is taking classes at Waubonsee College for their CNA program. She hopes to be a nurse. Her goals are to graduate, save money, find a nice place for her son and herself, and build a life together. But a recent surgery set her back. Paying back all the bills really depleted her savings, so she was given the opportunity to stay longer at Lifespring, allowing her to build up her savings again.
“He knows what you need. He knows what your life is gonna be,
but you gotta, you gotta, you just gotta let Him in.”
“Therefore, ‘Come out from them and be separate,’ says the Lord. ‘Do not touch what is unclean,
and I will receive you.’”
~ 2 Corinthians 6:17
“I will sing to the LORD as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have breath. May my meditation be pleasing to him, for I rejoice in the LORD.”
~ Psalm 104:33-34
Just like the bird that she was named after, Lark wakes each morning with God’s praises on her lips. She sings her praises of the LORD and what He has done in her life. Lifespring has given her so much, but mostly it has given her a life with the Creator, Who loves her and created her for a purpose.
She lives in hope, and she is so grateful to those who have changed her life, both spiritually and physically, because she knows, in her heart, that without God’s help and the help she has received from Lifespring she would be dead. Lark has learned to praise God and to focus her heart and mind on who God is and His unique purpose for her in this life.

Singing God’s Praises
To learn more about the Liferspring Center or the five other ministry divisions that make up Wayside Cross Ministries, click here!
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Wayside Cross. Providing help and hope to
the broken, addicted and abused for nearly 100 years.
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