Please Join Us:
2022 New Life Corrections Fundraising Banquet

With Special Guest, Rodney Massey

Celebrating the spiritual transformation of incarcerated men.

New Life Corrections Ministry Annual Fundraising Banquet
When: The dinner will be held Thursday, November 10th, 2022
TIME: Doors open at 6:00 pm, and dinner will be served at 6:30 pm
Where: Gaslite Manor, 2485 Church Road in Aurora 
Special Guest: Rodney Massey
Cost: Free to attend, a free-will offering will be gladly accepted


Prepare to be inspired by how God is moving in the lives of the incarcerated and their families with Guest Speaker Rodney Massey. Rodney opened the first Church in an Illinois IDOC prison led by a former prisoner. Since Highpoint Stateville Church opened this past spring, Rodney has led the campus as pastor. Now, over 80+ inmates come together each Sunday afternoon to worship and pray in this powerful Church.

Before his call to ministry, Rodney served over 25 years for a murder conviction. While in prison, his faith grew, and since his release, he has maintained his commitment to prison ministry. Now Rodney runs a successful HVAC business, but God still had more for him to do. Today, he meets regularly with Chaplain Steve Madawick, trainning inmates to be small group leaders at the Stateville Church.

Over the last nine months, as they serve in the Highpoint Stateville Church each week, countless men’s lives have been changed and influenced in this new prison church. Rodney is married to Lisa and they fellowship at Highpoint Romeoville church.

Don’t miss the powerful testimonies and witnesses to what God is doing in prisons and jails across the state of Illinois. Hear from Chaplain Leon McClimans how God is opening up new doors for Wayside’s NLC Ministry and Compass Church at Sheridan Prison.

Please join us for a special night celebrating the spiritual transformation that is currently taking place within Illinois prisons through your prayerful support of New Life Corrections Ministry.

Reservations are required:

To RSVP, email or call Steve Madawick at 630-723-3412.
If you are unable to join us, you can still support this ministry. Please call or email Steve to learn more.

New Life Corrections Friendship Dinner
When: Thursday, November 10th 2022
TIME: Doors open at 6:00 pm, and dinner will be served at 6:30 pm
Where: Gaslite Manor, 2485 Church Road in Aurora
Special Guest: Pastor Rodney Massey
Cost: Free to attend, a free-will offering will be gladly accepted

Prepare to be inspired by how God is moving in the lives of the incarcerated and their families with Guest Speaker Rodney Massey. Rodney opened the first Church in an Illinois IDOC prison this spring led by a former prisoner. Since Highpoint Stateville Church opened this past spring, Rodney has led the campus as pastor. Now, over 80+ inmates come together each Sunday afternoon to worship and pray in this powerful Church.

Hear how Chaplain Leon McClimans is opening up new doors at Sheridan prison for New Life Corrections and Compass Church.

Please join us for a special night celebrating the spiritual transformation that is currently taking place within Illinois prisons through your prayerful support of New Life Corrections Ministry.

New Life Corrections Friendship Dinner
When: Thursday, November 10th 2022
TIME: Doors open at 6:00 pm, and dinner will be served at 6:30 pm
Where: Gaslite Manor, 2485 Church Road in Aurora
Special Guest: Pastor Rodney Massey
Cost: Free to attend, a free-will offering will be gladly accepted

Prepare to be inspired by how God is moving in the lives of the incarcerated and their families with Guest Speaker Rodney Massey. Rodney opened the first Church in an Illinois IDOC prison this spring led by a former prisoner. Since Highpoint Stateville Church opened this past spring, Rodney has led the campus as pastor. Now, over 80+ inmates come together each Sunday afternoon to worship and pray in this powerful Church.

Hear how Chaplain Leon McClimans is opening up new doors at Sheridan prison for New Life Corrections and Compass Church.

Please join us for a special night celebrating the spiritual transformation that is currently taking place within Illinois prisons through your prayerful support of New Life Corrections Ministry.

Make your reservation today:

Celebrate the transformational hope of incarcerated men & women that you are helping us to reach. The dinner is free, donations will be gladly accepted.

RSVP NOW! Use the RSVP button to submit your group information & size. Or contact Steve Madawick at 630-723-3412.

DONATIONS: You can also make a donation with your reservation, or just support the ministry. Simply enter details of your party or group in the Comments Field when you include your gift information and contact details below.

All proceeds support the ministry and bring the hope of Jesus to the incarcerated and their families.

Note: You can also become a table sponsor by using the donation form below or by contacting Steve Madawick.  Table Sponsor $200 or half Table Sponsor: $100 helps us cover food costs for the table. There is no charge to become a table host. Simply commit to fill a table of 8 and invite your friends, small group or family and notify Steve Madawick of your intentions!



Gaslite Manor - 2485 Church Rd, Aurora, IL 60502